Imagine living in a world where 1.8 Million children with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illnesses were sitting stagnant in Institutions provided with the basics food, shelter & clothing, just merely accommodated.
In 1975, Congress made moves in the right direction enacting the (EHA) Education for All Handicapped Children Act. While this was the beginning Framework of offering children access to an education, it was still insufficient in meeting the needs of disabled children.
Through research, statistics, trial & error, Congress implemented meaningful & significant changes by reauthorizing of The EHA and the birth of what we know as (IDEA) The Individual's With Disabilities Act (IDEA).
Within the new branding, came help for families of children born with disabilities consisting of Early Intervention, Federal Mandates, an Increase of Disability Categories', Post Transitioning Planning, Access within the (Gen-Ed) General Education Curriculum, and a Mediation Process for parents & Schools to Solve Educational Disputes among other note worthy changes.
While the Law is always a work in progress, if we are not aware of the law & keeping up with the changes, as Parents & Caregivers we can not be the best advocates possible to ensure our children receive a (FAPE) Free Appropriate Public Education each and every one of them is Entitled to.
Click Here for Access to:
Part 300 (Part B) — Assistance To States For The Education Of Children With Disabilities
Code of Federal Regulations (Annual Edition)